RCA 45: vMotion Operation Taking a Long Time to Complete


VM Name: abc20109891

Datastore Name: ABCD-CL64-440-094-GSDE-VMAX    naa.60000970000497200440533030384430



Vmware Logs:


  • From the Vmware Logs we can see that the before vMotion VM was residing on abc3es0052s


2021-06-20T19:32:08.904Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=abc3es0052s.xyz.adroot.com
2021-10-04T12:07:14.326Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransportProcessClientPayload: opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-c0-f3aa seq=12926617: Receiving Migrate.PrepareSource request.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.326Z| vmx| I125: MigrateVMXdrToSpec: type: 1 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=396a5bf65149e8fc uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395242 priority=no checksumMemory=no maxDowntime=0 encrypted=0 resumeDuringPageIn=no latencyAware=yes diskOpFile= srcLogIp=<<unknown>> dstLogIp=<<unknown>> ftPrimaryIp=<<unknown>> ftSecondaryIp=<<unknown>>
2021-10-04T12:07:14.326Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘to’ request for mid id 4137220321177102588, src ip <>, dst ip <>(invalidate source config).


  • vMotion Operation Initiated for the VM to ESXi Host ABC3ES0054s.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.327Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetInfo: state=1 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=4137220321177102588 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395242 priority=low
2021-10-04T12:07:14.327Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 0 to 1.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.331Z| vmx| I125: MigrateReadHostLog: Hostlog’s migID 4137223290241240859 doesn’t match active migID 4137220321177102588.  Resetting hostlog state.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.331Z| vmx| I125: MigrateReadHostLog: Hostlog_Dump: Hostlog abc20109891-7e6a4b25.hlog
2021-10-04T12:07:14.331Z| vmx| I125:    OpType: vmotion
2021-10-04T12:07:14.352Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerSendResponse opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-c0-f3aa seq=12926617: Completed Migrate request.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.833Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘start’ request for mig id 4137220321177102588, dest world id 4295804.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.833Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 1 to 2.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.836Z| vmx| I125: MigratePlatformInitMigration:  DiskOp file set to /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891-diskOp.tmp
2021-10-04T12:07:14.845Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB_MISC   : DiskLib_SetOpenFlags: Failed to set open flags: Operation not supported 11.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.845Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB_MISC   : DiskLib_SetOpenFlags: Failed to set open flags: Operation not supported 11.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.845Z| vmx| I125: DISKLIB-LIB_MISC   : DiskLib_SetOpenFlags: Failed to set open flags: Operation not supported 11.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.845Z| vmx| I125: MigratePrepareEventLog: Prepare multiwriter disk handoff complete.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.880Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 2 to 3.



  • Checked the vMotion Transition from State 3 to Stage 4 took almost 22 Minutes.


2021-10-04T12:29:30.400Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 3 to 4.

2021-10-04T12:29:30.400Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: VM starting stun, waiting 100 seconds for go/no-go message.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.415Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:2’
2021-10-04T12:29:30.416Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:1’
2021-10-04T12:29:30.418Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:0’
2021-10-04T12:29:30.419Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate_Open: Migrating to <> with migration id 4137220321177102588
2021-10-04T12:29:30.420Z| vcpu-0| I125: Progress -1% (msg.checkpoint.saveStatus)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.437Z| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 0% (none)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.587Z| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 101% (none)


  • The delay of this 22 Minutes can be seen in the logs:


2021-10-04T12:29:30.590Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: VM successfully stunned.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.590Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 4 to 5.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.590Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing all the disks of the VM.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.749Z| worker-2119793| I125: Migrate: Remote Log: Destination waited for
1335.87 seconds.



2021-10-04T12:29:30.750Z| worker-2119793| I125: Migrate: Remote Log: Beginning checkpoint restore.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.750Z| worker-2119793| I125: Migrate: Remote Log: Switching to checkpoint state.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.511Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetStateFinished: type=1 new state=6
2021-10-04T12:29:31.511Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 5 to 6.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.511Z| vmx| I125: Migrate: Powering off
2021-10-04T12:29:31.521Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 6 to 0.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.521Z| vmx| I125: SVMotion_PowerOff: Not running Storage vMotion. Nothing to do
2021-10-04T12:29:32.090Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [mainDispatch.c:4258]: VMAutomation: Ignoring ReportPowerOpFinished because the VMX is shutting down.
2021-10-04T12:29:32.090Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting cleanShutdown = “TRUE”
2021-10-04T12:29:32.090Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [mainDispatch.c:4258]: VMAutomation: Ignoring ReportPowerOpFinished because the VMX is shutting down.
2021-10-04T12:29:32.090Z| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff
2021-10-04T12:29:32.090Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=5 on unregistered device ‘Migrate’ (cmd=(null))
2021-10-04T12:29:32.095Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerCloseClient: Closing transport 8EB146AA20 (err = 0)
2021-10-04T12:29:32.097Z| vmx| W115: VMX has left the building: 0.


Vmware Logs:



2021-10-04T12:07:14.606Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=ABC3ES0054s.xyz.adroot.com
2021-10-04T12:07:14.607Z| vmx| I125: System uptime 8999314083232 us
2021-10-04T12:07:14.704Z| vmx| I125: MigrateVMXdrToSpec: type 1 unsharedSwap 0 memMinToTransfer 0 cpuMinToTransfer 0 numDisks 0 numStreamIps 2 numFtStreamIps 0
2021-10-04T12:07:14.704Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘from’ request for mid id 4137220321177102588, src ip <>.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.704Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetInfo: state=8 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=4137220321177102588 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395343 priority=low
2021-10-04T12:07:14.705Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 0 to 8.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.705Z| vmx| I125: MigrateReadHostLog: Won’t persist hostlog to disk.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.727Z| vmx| W115: PowerOn
2021-10-04T12:07:14.807Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 8 to 9.

  • In the Logs we can see the delay happening at Stage 10 of the vMotion Operation:


2021-10-04T12:07:14.989Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 9 to 10.

2021-10-04T12:07:19.657Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:19.657Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:19.657Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:19.657Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:19.657Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:09:05.456Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:20:01.004Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:20:01.004Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:20:01.004Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:20:01.004Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:21:24.146Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)

  • The Same delay can be seen here in the Destination Vmware logs at stage 10:


2021-10-04T12:29:30.748Z| vmx| I125: MigrateWaitForData: Waited for 1335.87 seconds.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.748Z| vmx| I125: MigrateRPC_DrainPendingWork: Draining pending remote user messages before restore…
2021-10-04T12:29:30.749Z| vmx| I125: MigrateRPC_DrainPendingWork: All pending work completed.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.749Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 10 to 11.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.749Z| vmx| I125: SVMotionFixParentPaths: No snapshot paths need to be validated
2021-10-04T12:29:30.749Z| vmx| I125: Migrate_Open: Restoring from <> with migration id 4137220321177102588
2021-10-04T12:29:30.757Z| worker-4296255| I125: DISK: failed to create nomad vob context.
2021-10-04T12:29:30.783Z| vmx| I125: Migrate_Open: Restoring from <> with migration id 4137220321177102588
2021-10-04T12:29:30.787Z| vmx| I125: Progress -1% (msg.checkpoint.restoreStatus)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.797Z| vmx| I125: Progress 20% (none)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.802Z| vmx| I125: Progress 60% (none)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.806Z| vmx| I125: Progress 83% (none)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.811Z| vmx| I125: Progress 101% (none)

2021-10-04T12:29:31.505Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetStateFinished: type=2 new state=12


  • Transition from the State 11 to State 12 is within seconds.


2021-10-04T12:29:31.505Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.505Z| vmx| I125: Migrate: Restoring original message callbacks.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.505Z| vmx| I125: Migrate_SetSuccess: Reopening config file.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.531Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: cleaning up migration state.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.531Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: Final status reported through Vigor.
2021-10-04T12:29:31.531Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 12 to 0.



Source Hostname: abc3es0052s.xyz.adroot.com

Esxi Version: ESXi 6.7 P05


Hostd Logs:


  • We can see the start of the vMotion Operation for the VM:


2021-10-04T12:07:14.321Z info hostd[2102690] [Originator@6876 sub=Vcsvc.VMotion opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-c0-f3aa user=vpxuser] PrepareSourceEx [4137220321177102588], VM = ’62’
2021-10-04T12:07:14.321Z info hostd[2102690] [Originator@6876 sub=Vcsvc.VMotionSrc.4137220321177102588 opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-c0-f3aa user=vpxuser] VMotionEntry: migrateType = 1
2021-10-04T12:07:14.322Z info hostd[2102690] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-c0-f3aa user=vpxuser] State Transition (VM_STATE_ON -> VM_STATE_EMIGRATING)

2021-10-04T12:07:14.381Z info hostd[2102156] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] VMotionStatusCb [4137220321177102588] : Prepare task completed successfully
2021-10-04T12:07:14.829Z info hostd[2104248] [Originator@6876 sub=Vcsvc.VMotion opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-8e-f3cf user=vpxuser] InitiateSource [4137220321177102588], WID = 4295804
2021-10-04T12:07:14.831Z info hostd[2104248] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-8e-f3cf user=vpxuser] VMotionInitiateSrc (4137220321177102588): wid=4295804


  • As soon as the vMotion initiated as Source we can see the events where the Device for the Virtual Machine is showing as Busy:


2021-10-04T12:29:35.600Z info hostd[2101947] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file “/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx”: Device or resource busy.
2021-10-04T12:29:35.602Z info hostd[2101947] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] VigorOffline_GenSecPolicy: retry reading /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx
2021-10-04T12:29:35.613Z info hostd[2542484] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] Cnx_Connect: Error message: There is no VMware process running for config file /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx
2021-10-04T12:29:35.613Z info hostd[2542484] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] VigorTransportClientManageConnection: VM /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx does not appear to be running
2021-10-04T12:29:39.613Z info hostd[2101947] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file “/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx”: Device or resource busy.
2021-10-04T12:29:39.614Z info hostd[2101947] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] VigorOffline_GenSecPolicy: retry reading /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx
2021-10-04T12:29:39.614Z info hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vigor.Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] Device not attached – cannot read online fields
2021-10-04T12:29:43.619Z info hostd[2101947] [Originator@6876 sub=vm] DictionaryLoad: Cannot open file “/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx”: Device or resource busy.
2021-10-04T12:29:43.620Z warning hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] Query VMX about hlstate failed Fault cause: vim.fault.InvalidPowerState
2021-10-04T12:29:43.622Z info hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vcsvc.VMotionSrc.4137220321177102588] ResolveCb: Succeeded
2021-10-04T12:29:43.622Z info hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] State Transition (VM_STATE_EMIGRATING -> VM_STATE_OFF)
2021-10-04T12:29:43.622Z error hostd[2101947] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] Could not perform config check (storage accessible): Fault cause: vim.fault.GenericVmConfigFault
2021-10-04T12:29:43.623Z info hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] State Transition (VM_STATE_OFF -> VM_STATE_UNREGISTERING)
2021-10-04T12:29:43.629Z warning hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20109891/abc20109891.vmx] Failed to find activation record, event user unknown.
2021-10-04T12:29:43.630Z info hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vimsvc.ha-eventmgr] Event 2664 : Removed abc20109891 on abc3es0052s.xyz.adroot.com from ha-datacenter


  • Total VM Downtime came out to be 0.02 Seconds.


2021-10-04T12:29:43.630Z info hostd[2102692] [Originator@6876 sub=Vcsvc.VMotionSrc.4137220321177102588] CompleteOp: Vmotion task succeeded with result: (vim.host.VMotionManager.SrcVMotionResult) {

–>    vmDowntime = 20220,
–>    vmPrecopyStunTime = 13851033,
–>    vmPrecopyBandwidth = 104299923
2021-10-04T12:29:43.767Z info hostd[2543975] [Originator@6876 sub=Vcsvc.VMotion opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01-5e-1b69 user=vpxuser] CompleteSource [4137220321177102588]


VMKernel Logs:


2021-10-04T12:07:14.836Z cpu42:2117674)Migrate: vm 2117675: 3885: Setting VMOTION info: Source ts = 4137220321177102588, src ip = <> dest ip = <> Dest wid = 4295804 using SHARED swap, encrypted
2021-10-04T12:07:14.841Z cpu42:2117674)Hbr: 3561: Migration start received (worldID=2117675) (migrateType=1) (event=0) (isSource=1) (sharedConfig=1)
2021-10-04T12:07:14.841Z cpu115:4249814)MigrateNet: 1751: 4137220321177102588 S: Successfully bound connection to vmknic vmk1 – ‘’
2021-10-04T12:07:14.842Z cpu115:4249814)MigrateNet: 1751: 4137220321177102588 S: Successfully bound connection to vmknic vmk1 – ‘’
2021-10-04T12:07:14.842Z cpu8:2101456)MigrateNet: vm 2101456: 3263: Accepted connection from <::ffff:>
2021-10-04T12:07:14.842Z cpu8:2101456)MigrateNet: vm 2101456: 3351: dataSocket 0x43130ea88e90 receive buffer size is 563272
2021-10-04T12:07:14.842Z cpu8:2101456)Migrate: 358: Remote machine is ESX 6.5 or newer.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.842Z cpu115:4249814)VMotionUtil: 5199: 4137220321177102588 S: Stream connection 1 added.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.843Z cpu115:4249814)MigrateNet: 1751: 4137220321177102588 S: Successfully bound connection to vmknic vmk2 – ‘’
2021-10-04T12:07:14.843Z cpu115:4249814)VMotionUtil: 5199: 4137220321177102588 S: Stream connection 2 added.


  • In the Vmkernel Logs we can see that the Time delay happened because of the Pre-Copy Operation which was running on the Pages to copy from Source to Destination.


2021-10-04T12:28:21.528Z cpu14:2117675)VMotion: 5367: 4137220321177102588 S: Another pre-copy iteration needed with 1698915 pages left to send (prev2 47185920, prev 47185920, pages dirtied by pass through device 0, network bandwidth ~86.697 MB/s, 18649%$
2021-10-04T12:29:21.242Z cpu17:2117675)VMotion: 5367: 4137220321177102588 S: Another pre-copy iteration needed with 211492 pages left to send (prev2 47185920, prev 1698915, pages dirtied by pass through device 0, network bandwidth ~115.554 MB/s, 744% t2$
2021-10-04T12:29:28.800Z cpu36:2117675)VMotion: 5367: 4137220321177102588 S: Another pre-copy iteration needed with 31608 pages left to send (prev2 1698915, prev 211492, pages dirtied by pass through device 0, network bandwidth ~115.450 MB/s, 560% t2d)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.267Z cpu19:2117675)VMotion: 5277: 4137220321177102588 S: Stopping pre-copy: only 1094 pages left to send, which can be sent within the switchover time goal of 0.500 seconds (network bandwidth ~89.719 MB/s, 3228% t2d)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.408Z cpu43:2119797)VSCSI: 6669: handle 8605(vscsi0:0):Destroying Device for world 2117675 (pendCom 0)
2021-10-04T12:29:31.381Z cpu115:4249814)VMotionSend: 5095: 4137220321177102588 S: Sent all modified pages to destination (network bandwidth ~112.399 MB/s)



vCenter Logs:


  • No Unusual Events can be seen in the vCenter Logs.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.208Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03] [VpxLRO] — BEGIN task-296057 — abc20109891 — Drm.ExecuteVMotionLRO —
2021-10-04T12:07:14.208Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=drsExec opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03] Executing DRM recommended vMotion, migrating [vim.VirtualMachine:vm-4981,abc20109891] from vim.HostSystem:host-4959 to vim.HostSystem:host-5073


2021-10-04T12:07:14.214Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] [VpxLRO] — BEGIN lro-9055758 —  — VmprovWorkflow —
2021-10-04T12:07:14.214Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=pbm opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] migrate callback is skipped – Same-VC migration with home and all disks and profiles the same
2021-10-04T12:07:14.214Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=VmProv opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] Starting Local-VC Migrate of poweredOn vm abc20109891 on vim.HostSystem:host-4959( with ds ds:///vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/ to vim.HostSystem:host-5073( with ds ds:///vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/
2021-10-04T12:07:14.286Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=pbm opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] pre migrate callback is skipped – for cached from pre migrate check reason

2021-10-04T12:29:43.754Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=pbm opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] post migrate callback is skipped – for cached from pre migrate reason
2021-10-04T12:29:43.977Z warning vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=VpxProfiler opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] VpxLro::LroMain [TotalTime] took 1349763 ms
2021-10-04T12:29:43.977Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03-01] [VpxLRO] — FINISH lro-9055758
2021-10-04T12:29:43.982Z warning vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=VpxProfiler opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03] VpxLro::LroMain [TotalTime] took 1349773 ms
2021-10-04T12:29:43.982Z info vpxd[08641] [Originator@6876 sub=vpxLro opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-03] [VpxLRO] — FINISH task-296057




VM Name: abc20110123

Datastore Name: 5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0



Vmware Logs:



2021-06-20T17:29:29.621Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=abc3es0052s.xyz.adroot.com
2021-06-20T17:29:29.621Z| vmx| I125: System uptime 2785153454 us

2021-10-04T12:07:14.468Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransportProcessClientPayload: opID=ku9y3x0q-2006536-auto-17095-h5:70046217-33-05-02-01-fc-f3bf seq=12773804: Receiving Migrate.PrepareSource request.

2021-10-04T12:07:14.468Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetInfo: state=1 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=4137220321177088244 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395247 priority=low
2021-10-04T12:07:14.468Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 0 to 1.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.868Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘start’ request for mig id 4137220321177088244, dest world id 4287296.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.868Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 1 to 2.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.871Z| vmx| I125: MigratePlatformInitMigration:  DiskOp file set to /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20110123/abc20110123-diskOp.tmp
2021-10-04T12:07:14.878Z| vmx| I125: MigratePrepareEventLog: Prepare multiwriter disk handoff complete.

  • Same events can be seen here we the delay comes at Stage 3.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.939Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 2 to 3.
2021-10-04T12:26:31.450Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 3 to 4.


2021-10-04T12:26:31.450Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: Preparing to suspend.
2021-10-04T12:26:31.450Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: VM starting stun, waiting 100 seconds for go/no-go message.
2021-10-04T12:26:31.465Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:2’
2021-10-04T12:26:31.466Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:1’
2021-10-04T12:26:31.468Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:0’
2021-10-04T12:26:31.469Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate_Open: Migrating to <> with migration id 4137220321177088244
2021-10-04T12:26:31.469Z| vcpu-0| I125: Progress -1% (msg.checkpoint.saveStatus)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.496Z| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 0% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.721Z| vcpu-0| I125: Progress 101% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.721Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: VM successfully stunned.
2021-10-04T12:26:31.721Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 4 to 5.


2021-10-04T12:26:31.721Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing all the disks of the VM.
2021-10-04T12:26:32.265Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 5 to 6.
2021-10-04T12:26:32.265Z| vmx| I125: Migrate: Powering off
2021-10-04T12:26:32.275Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 6 to 0.
2021-10-04T12:26:32.275Z| vmx| I125: SVMotion_PowerOff: Not running Storage vMotion. Nothing to do
2021-10-04T12:26:32.682Z| vmx| W115: VMX has left the building: 0.



Destination Vmware Logs:


  • On the vmware logs we can see the same set of events at stage 10 we can see the delay being noticed.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.674Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=ABC3ES0055s.xyz.adroot.com
2021-10-04T12:07:14.674Z| vmx| I125: System uptime 8583710750932 us
2021-10-04T12:07:14.680Z| vmx| I125: Transitioned vmx/execState/val to poweredOff
2021-10-04T12:07:14.765Z| vmx| I125: MigrateVMXdrToSpec: type: 1 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=396a5bf65149b0f4 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395343 priority=no checksumMemory=no maxDowntime=0 encrypted=0 resumeDuringPageIn=no latencyAware=yes diskOpFile= srcLogIp=<<unknown>> dstLogIp=<<unknown>> ftPrimaryIp=<<unknown>> ftSecondaryIp=<<unknown>>
2021-10-04T12:07:14.765Z| vmx| I125: MigrateVMXdrToSpec: type 1 unsharedSwap 0 memMinToTransfer 0 cpuMinToTransfer 0 numDisks 0 numStreamIps 2 numFtStreamIps 0
2021-10-04T12:07:14.765Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘from’ request for mid id 4137220321177088244, src ip <>.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.765Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetInfo: state=8 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=4137220321177088244 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395343 priority=low
2021-10-04T12:07:14.765Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 0 to 8.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.789Z| vmx| W115: PowerOn
2021-10-04T12:07:14.839Z| vmx| I125: MigratePlatformInitMigration:  DiskOp file set to /vmfs/volumes/5ef4b713-49c335ca-33ca-48df373666b0/abc20110123/abc20110123-diskOp.tmp
2021-10-04T12:07:14.848Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 8 to 9.
2021-10-04T12:07:15.065Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 9 to 10.



2021-10-04T12:24:33.260Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:24:33.260Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:24:33.260Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:24:33.260Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:24:33.260Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)

2021-10-04T12:07:18.868Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:18.868Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:18.868Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:08:44.966Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:09:20.808Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:09:28.097Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:09:59.555Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:11:28.846Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:11:50.931Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:13:51.989Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:16:46.429Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:18:07.086Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:26:25.193Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:26:25.193Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)


  • The Delay is around 20 Minutes.


2021-10-04T12:26:31.878Z| vmx| I125: MigrateWaitForData: Waited for 1156.98 seconds.
2021-10-04T12:26:31.878Z| vmx| I125: MigrateRPC_DrainPendingWork: Draining pending remote user messages before restore…

2021-10-04T12:26:31.878Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 10 to 11.
2021-10-04T12:26:31.912Z| vmx| I125: Progress -1% (msg.checkpoint.restoreStatus)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.921Z| vmx| I125: Progress 2% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.921Z| vmx| I125: Progress 5% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.921Z| vmx| I125: Progress 7% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.928Z| vmx| I125: Progress 60% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.931Z| vmx| I125: Progress 83% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:31.937Z| vmx| I125: Progress 101% (none)
2021-10-04T12:26:32.259Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.
2021-10-04T12:26:32.286Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 12 to 0.



Source Hostname: abc3es0052s.xyz.adroot.com



Destination Hostname: ABC3ES0055s.xyz.adroot.com




VM Name: abc20110089

Datastore: 5f7df7ca-87929102-d3a4-48df373666b0



Vmware Logs:


  • From the Vmware Logs we can see the same set of events:


2021-06-20T18:10:49.207Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=abc3es0052s.xyz.adroot.com
2021-06-20T18:10:49.208Z| vmx| I125: System uptime 5264739920 us
2021-10-04T12:07:14.418Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘to’ request for mid id 4137220321177100492, src ip <>, dst ip <>(invalidate source config).
2021-10-04T12:07:14.418Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetInfo: state=1 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=4137220321177100492 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395247 priority=low
2021-10-04T12:07:14.418Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 0 to 1.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.866Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘start’ request for mig id 4137220321177100492, dest world id 4287276.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.866Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 1 to 2.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.939Z| vmx| I125: MigratePrepareEventLog: Prepare event complete.

  • The Delay happened at the same stage: Stage 3.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.939Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 2 to 3.
2021-10-04T12:30:34.781Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 3 to 4.
2021-10-04T12:30:34.781Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: Preparing to suspend.
2021-10-04T12:30:34.781Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate: VM starting stun, waiting 100 seconds for go/no-go message.
2021-10-04T12:30:34.794Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:2’
2021-10-04T12:30:34.795Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:1’
2021-10-04T12:30:34.797Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing disk ‘scsi0:0’
2021-10-04T12:30:34.798Z| vcpu-0| I125: Migrate_Open: Migrating to <> with migration id 4137220321177100492
2021-10-04T12:30:34.883Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 4 to 5.
2021-10-04T12:30:34.883Z| vcpu-0| I125: Closing all the disks of the VM.
2021-10-04T12:30:35.355Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 5 to 6.
2021-10-04T12:30:35.355Z| vmx| I125: Migrate: Powering off
2021-10-04T12:30:35.365Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 6 to 0.
2021-10-04T12:30:35.956Z| vmx| W115: VMX has left the building: 0.


  • At the Destination Host we can see the same set of events where the Delay is of 23 Minutes.


2021-10-04T12:07:14.660Z| vmx| I125: Hostname=ABC3ES0055s.xyz.adroot.com
2021-10-04T12:07:14.661Z| vmx| I125: System uptime 8583710737076 us
2021-10-04T12:07:14.752Z| vmx| I125: Received migrate ‘from’ request for mid id 4137220321177100492, src ip <>.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.752Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetInfo: state=8 srcIp=<> dstIp=<> mid=4137220321177100492 uuid=36323437-3735-4753-4838-333159395343 priority=low
2021-10-04T12:07:14.752Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 0 to 8.
2021-10-04T12:07:14.838Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 8 to 9.
2021-10-04T12:07:15.058Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 9 to 10.
2021-10-04T12:07:18.867Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:18.867Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:18.867Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:18.867Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:07:18.867Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:13:51.987Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:13:51.987Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:13:51.987Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:14:06.834Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘Tools’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:14:06.834Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestInfo’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:14:06.834Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestPeriodic’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:14:06.834Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:28:45.301Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘GuestAppMonitor’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:28:45.301Z| vmx| I125: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘CrashDetector’ (cmd=queryFields)
2021-10-04T12:30:34.979Z| vmx| I125: MigrateWaitForData: Waited for 1400.08 seconds.
2021-10-04T12:30:34.979Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 10 to 11.
2021-10-04T12:30:35.027Z| vmx| I125: Progress 34% (none)
2021-10-04T12:30:35.034Z| vmx| I125: Progress 83% (none)
2021-10-04T12:30:35.040Z| vmx| I125: Progress 101% (none)
2021-10-04T12:30:35.350Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetStateFinished: type=2 new state=12
2021-10-04T12:30:35.350Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.
2021-10-04T12:30:35.377Z| vcpu-0| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 12 to 0.





  • Based on the logs we can conclude that the Delay is happening at State 3 on the Source and State 10 on the Destination.





  • This is the time when the Pre-Copy Operation is running. Generally this issue could happen because of  long data transfers between hosts or the VM is very busy as the Pre-Copy operation has to copy all the RAM Changes before it can perform the switchover which can be seen as below:


2021-10-04T12:28:21.528Z cpu14:2117675)VMotion: 5367: 4137220321177102588 S: Another pre-copy iteration needed with 1698915 pages left to send (prev2 47185920, prev 47185920, pages dirtied by pass through device 0, network bandwidth ~86.697 MB/s, 18649%$
2021-10-04T12:29:21.242Z cpu17:2117675)VMotion: 5367: 4137220321177102588 S: Another pre-copy iteration needed with 211492 pages left to send (prev2 47185920, prev 1698915, pages dirtied by pass through device 0, network bandwidth ~115.554 MB/s, 744% t2$
2021-10-04T12:29:28.800Z cpu36:2117675)VMotion: 5367: 4137220321177102588 S: Another pre-copy iteration needed with 31608 pages left to send (prev2 1698915, prev 211492, pages dirtied by pass through device 0, network bandwidth ~115.450 MB/s, 560% t2d)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.267Z cpu19:2117675)VMotion: 5277: 4137220321177102588 S: Stopping pre-copy: only 1094 pages left to send, which can be sent within the switchover time goal of 0.500 seconds (network bandwidth ~89.719 MB/s, 3228% t2d)
2021-10-04T12:29:30.408Z cpu43:2119797)VSCSI: 6669: handle 8605(vscsi0:0):Destroying Device for world 2117675 (pendCom 0)
2021-10-04T12:29:31.381Z cpu115:4249814)VMotionSend: 5095: 4137220321177102588 S: Sent all modified pages to destination (network bandwidth ~112.399 MB/s)


  • Time taken by during transition from state 11 to state 12


abc20109891 : 1 Sec

2021-10-04T12:29:30.749Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 10 to 11.

2021-10-04T12:29:31.505Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.


abc20110123 : 1 Sec

2021-10-04T12:26:31.878Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 10 to 11.

2021-10-04T12:26:32.259Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.


abc20110089 : 1 Sec

2021-10-04T12:30:34.979Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 10 to 11

2021-10-04T12:30:35.350Z| vmx| I125: MigrateSetState: Transitioning from state 11 to 12.



Action Plan:


  • In order to Test this you can try to perform the vMotion Operation at the time when there is not enough load on the VM and test the vMotion Operation.
  • Also in order to isolate the Load on the ESXi Host, please keep few VMs over the Host and then try to perform a vMotion operation.



Note: Please note that this may or may not be related to the issue, but Its always recommended to keep the Driver/Firmware Version to the Recommended state.




Installed Firmware

Installed Driver

VCG Driver


Emulex LPe12000 8Gb PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter





Emulex LPe12000 8Gb PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter





Emulex LPe12000 8Gb PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter





Emulex LPe12000 8Gb PCIe Fibre Channel Adapter





Ashutosh Dixit

I am currently working as a Senior Technical Support Engineer with VMware Premier Services for Telco. Before this, I worked as a Technical Lead with Microsoft Enterprise Platform Support for Production and Premier Support. I am an expert in High-Availability, Deployments, and VMware Core technology along with Tanzu and Horizon.

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