Upgrading Telco Cloud Automation using SSH

VMware Telco Cloud Automation (TCA) is a platform designed to automate the lifecycle management of network functions and services for telecommunications providers. It simplifies the deployment, scaling, and management of virtual network functions (VNFs), containerized network functions (CNFs), and network services across various cloud environments.

In this article, we are going to explore another way to update Telco Cloud Automation Appliance using the command line.

Upgrade Steps

  • Do this for every TCA-M and TCA-CP
  • SSH to TCA / TCA-CP via admin
    ssh admin@TCA_IP
  • Provide admin password

Browse to /tmp and download the upgrade bundle

cd /tmp
  • Replace Build Link accordingly
  • Or SCP the builds to /tmp manually
  • Untar the upgrade bundle
tar -xvzf /tmp/<UPGRADE_BUNDLE_FILE>
  • Switch to root to upgrade
  • Provide root password
cd /tmp
  • Run upgrade
./vsm-upgrade.sh image/<DIST_FILE_NAME_BEGINS_WITH_VMware-Telco-Cloud-Automation>
  • The upgrade procedure takes around 5 minutes.
  • Post that system will automatically reboot
  • Give the system another 5 minutes for all the services to come back online

Ashutosh Dixit

I am currently working as a Senior Technical Support Engineer with VMware Premier Services for Telco. Before this, I worked as a Technical Lead with Microsoft Enterprise Platform Support for Production and Premier Support. I am an expert in High-Availability, Deployments, and VMware Core technology along with Tanzu and Horizon.

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