Unable to perform Scale Up Operation on the Management Cluster after an upgrade on a TCA Environment

When performing the Scale up operation on a Management Cluster using TCA UI You might see the below error:

From the TCA UI Everything Shows green even the Kubernetes status on the Dashboard of the TCA-CP:

While running show mc command on CCLI we may see the below error:

While checking the Tanzu Plugin we can see that the below 3 Plugins are showing as Not installed:

Management cluster upgrade ran successfully using kbs api which internally uses tanzu cli command with airgap server data provided as environment variables. tanzu cli scaled management cluster pods images from the airgap server during upgrade. However, once the nodes are upgraded tanzu cli installs/upgrade context related plugins. Context related plugins are plugins associated with management cluster namely, “cluster”, “feature”, “kubernetes-release”. These plugins are required for management cluster scale operation post creation or upgrade. During context plugin upgrade tanzu cli tries to pull plugin images from airgap server but it fails. Tanzu cli fails with error “untrusted registry” as mentioned in the screenshot above. Then, perhaps cli uses default registry url which is projects.registry url. Since this is an airgapped scenario default url is not reachable. Hence, after upgrade completes context plugins are not installed using any of the sources.



From TCA-CP: Run the below command:


Post this Run the below command to sync-up:

tanzu plugin sync

Ashutosh Dixit

I am currently working as a Senior Technical Support Engineer with VMware Premier Services for Telco. Before this, I worked as a Technical Lead with Microsoft Enterprise Platform Support for Production and Premier Support. I am an expert in High-Availability, Deployments, and VMware Core technology along with Tanzu and Horizon.

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